“Do you remember as a kid putting your arms in the air as the roller coaster made you gasp with exhilaration? That's what it's like to be in a brainstorming session with Wendi Ezgur. She's fast on her feet (size 4), fun and leaves you a little breathless. Wendi has an exuberance that eludes most mild-mannered grown-ups, and uses every last ounce of it to take your brain to places it didn't expect to go.”
Creative Director, Director of Strategic Planning
Backe Digital Brand Marketing
Philadelphia, PA | “Wendi speaks from the heart and has a way of looking at the world that causes most of us regular folk to scratch our head and say, 'wow!' where did she ever come up with that? She has a warm and unique sense about what makes people tick. She'll make you laugh, think, and even more important, is her uncanny ability to find the humanity in things that most of us take for granted.”
Gary Kopervas, Nationally Syndicated Cartoonist
Marlton, New Jersey |